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Professional Education Standards

All teacher candidates complete studies in professional education. Professional education 在大学课程中开始的终身事业,是在田野中提炼的吗 experiences, and enhanced during professional practice. The coursework and related field and laboratory experiences enable the teacher candidate to meet the following 教育所有学生的表现标准,包括有风险的学生,残疾学生, 英语学习者,经济困难的学生,流动性强的学生, 智力超群的学生,以及来自不同种族和民族背景的学生


INTASC Standards for Initial Licensure

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of 学习和发展在认知、语言、 social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.


教师定期评估个人和小组的表现,以便进行设计 修改教学以满足学习者在每个发展领域的需求(认知, 语言,社会,情感和身体)和脚手架的下一个发展水平.

1(b)教师创建适合发展的教学,并考虑到 individual learners’ strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and accelerate his/her learning.

1(c)教师与家庭、社区、同事和其他专业人员合作 to promote learner growth and development.

Essential Knowledge

1(d)教师理解学习是如何发生的——学习者如何构建知识; 获得技能,发展有纪律的思维过程,并知道如何使用教学 strategies that promote student learning.

(e)教师明白每个学习者的认知、语言、社会、情感、 身体发育影响学习,知道如何做出教学决定 that build on learners’ strengths and needs.

1(f) The teacher identifies readiness for learning and understands how development in any one area may affect performance in others.

1(g) The teacher understands the role of language and culture in learning and knows how to modify instruction to make language comprehensible and instruction relevant, accessible, and challenging. 

Critical Dispositions

1(h) The teacher respects learners’ differing strengths and needs and is committed to using this information to further each learner’s development.

1(i) The teacher is committed to using learners’ strengths as a basis for growth, and their misconceptions as opportunities for learning.


1(k)教师重视家庭、同事和其他人的投入和贡献 professionals in understanding and supporting each learner’s development.

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.


2(a)教师设计、调整和提供指导,以解决每个学生的问题 多样化的学习优势和需求,并为学生创造展示的机会 their learning in different ways.

2(b) The teacher makes appropriate and timely provisions (e.g., pacing for individual rates of growth, task demands, communication, assessment, and response modes) for individual students with particular learning differences or needs.

2(c)教师根据学习者先前的知识和经验设计教学; allowing learners to accelerate as they demonstrate their understandings.

2(d)教师从多个角度讨论内容,包括 关注学习者的个人、家庭和社区经历以及文化规范.

2(e)教师将语言发展工具纳入规划和教学; 包括为英语学习者提供内容的策略 for evaluating and supporting their development of English proficiency.

2(f)教师获得资源、支持和专业帮助和服务 to meet particular learning differences or needs.

Essential Knowledge

2(g) The teacher understands and identifies differences in approaches to learning 并且知道如何设计教学,利用每个学习者的优势 to promote growth.

2(h)教师了解有特殊需要的学生,包括与之相关的学生 with disabilities and giftedness, and knows how to use strategies and resources to address these needs.

2(i) The teacher knows about second language acquisition processes and knows how to incorporate instructional strategies and resources to support language acquisition.

2(j)教师理解学习者为学习带来的资产是基于他们的 个人经历,能力,天赋,之前的学习,同伴和社会群体 interactions, as well as language, culture, family, and community values.

2(k)教师知道如何获取有关不同文化价值观的信息 and communities and how to incorporate learners’ experience

Critical Dispositions

2(l) The teacher believes that all learners can achieve at high levels and persists in helping each learner reach his/her full potential.

2(m)教师尊重学习者,视其为个人和家庭不同的个体 backgrounds and various skills, abilities, perspectives, talents, and interests.


2(o) The teacher values diverse languages and dialects and seeks to integrate them into his/her instructional practice to engage students in learning.

教师与其他人一起创造支持个人和合作的环境 学习,鼓励积极的社会互动,积极参与学习, and self-motivation.


(a)教师与学习者、家庭和同事合作,建立一个安全的、 positive learning climate of openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry.

3(b)教师开发学习经验,使学习者参与合作 自主学习扩展了学习者与思想和人的互动 locally and globally.

3(c) The teacher collaborates with learners and colleagues to develop shared values 以及对相互尊重的互动,严谨的学术讨论和个人的期望 and group responsibility for quality work.

3(d) The teacher manages the learning environment to actively and equitably engage learners by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and learners’ attention.

3(e)教师使用多种方法让学习者参与评估学习 environment and collaborates with learners to make appropriate adjustments.

3(f)教师以表达尊重的方式进行口头和非口头交流 对文化背景和不同观点的学习者的反应能力 bring to the learning environment.

3(g)教师促进负责任的学习者使用互动技术进行扩展 the possibilities for learning locally and globally.

3(h)教师有意培养学习者面对面合作的能力 通过运用有效的人际沟通技巧和虚拟环境.

Essential Knowledge

3(i) The teacher understands the relationship between motivation and engagement and 知道如何使用策略来设计学习体验,建立学习者的自我指导 and ownership of learning.

3(j)老师知道如何帮助学生富有成效地合作学习 each other to achieve learning goals.

3(k)教师知道如何与学习者合作建立和监控要素 安全和富有成效的学习环境,包括规范,期望,惯例, and organizational structures.

3(1)教师理解学习者多样性如何影响交流并知道 how to communicate effectively in differing environments.

3(m) The teacher knows how to use technologies and how to guide learners to apply them in appropriate, safe, and effective ways.

Critical Dispositions

3(n) The teacher is committed to working with learners, colleagues, families, and communities to establish positive and supportive learning environments.

3(o)教师重视学习者在促进彼此学习和学习中的作用 认识到同伴关系在建立学习氛围中的重要性.

3(p)教师致力于支持学习者参与决策; 从事探索和发明,合作和独立工作,并参与 in purposeful learning.

3(q) The teacher seeks to foster respectful communication among all members of the learning community.

3(r) The teacher is a thoughtful and responsive listener and observer.

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of 他或她教授的纪律和创造的学习经验使这些 aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.


4(a)教师有效地使用多种表征和解释来捕捉 学科中的关键思想,引导学习者通过学习进行递进,并促进 each learner’s achievement of content standards.

(b)教师使学生参与所学学科的学习经验 鼓励学习者从不同的角度去理解、质疑和分析思想 so that they master the content.

4(c) The teacher engages learners in applying methods of inquiry and standards of evidence used in the discipline.

4(d)教师激发学习者对已有内容知识的反思,建立新的联系 concepts to familiar concepts, and makes connections to learners’ experiences.

4(e) The teacher recognizes learner misconceptions in a discipline that interfere with learning, and creates experiences to build accurate conceptual understanding.

(f)教师评估和修改教学资源和课程材料 for their comprehensiveness, accuracy for representing particular concepts in the discipline, and appropriateness for his/ her learners.

(g)教师有效地利用辅助资源和技术来确保 accessibility and relevance for all learners.

4(h) The teacher creates opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master academic language in their content.

(i)教师利用学校和/或地区的资源来评估学习者 content knowledge in their primary language.

Essential Knowledge

(j)教师理解主要概念、假设、辩论、探究过程; and ways of knowing that are central to the discipline(s) s/he teaches.

4(k) The teacher understands common misconceptions in learning the discipline and how to guide learners to accurate conceptual understanding.

4(l) The teacher knows and uses the academic language of the discipline and knows how to make it accessible to learners.

4(m)教师知道如何整合与文化相关的内容来建立在学习者的基础上。 background knowledge.

4(n)教师对学生的内容标准和学习进度有深入的了解 in the discipline(s) s/he teaches.

Critical Dispositions

4(o) The teacher realizes that content knowledge is not a fixed body of facts but is complex, culturally situated, and ever evolving. S/he keeps abreast of new ideas and understandings in the field.

4(p)教师欣赏学科内的多种观点,并促进 learners’ critical analysis of these perspectives.

4(q) The teacher recognizes the potential of bias in his/her representation of the discipline and seeks to appropriately address problems of bias.

4(r) The teacher is committed to work toward each learner’s mastery of disciplinary content and skills.

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.


5(a) The teacher develops and implements projects that guide learners in analyzing 从不同学科的角度分析一个问题的复杂性 and cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., a water quality study that draws upon biology and chemistry to look at factual information and social studies to examine policy implications).

5(b)教师引导学习者将内容知识应用于实际问题 through the lens of interdisciplinary themes (e.g., financial literacy, environmental literacy).

5(c)教师促进学习者最大限度地利用现有的工具和资源 content learning in varied contexts.

5(d)教师使学习者参与质疑和挑战假设和方法 in order to foster innovation and problem-solving in local and global contexts.

5(e)教师培养学习者在学科和跨学科方面的沟通技巧 通过创造有意义的机会来运用各种形式的交流 that address varied audiences and purposes.

5(f) The teacher engages learners in generating and evaluating new ideas and novel approaches, seeking inventive solutions to problems, and developing original work.

5(g)教师促进学习者发展多元社会文化的能力 perspectives that expand their understanding of local and global issues and create novel approaches to solving problems.

5(h) The teacher develops and implements supports for learner literacy development across content areas.

Essential Knowledge

5(i)教师理解他/她的学科的认识方式,以及它们之间的关系 to other disciplinary approaches to inquiry, and the strengths and limitations of each approach in addressing problems, issues, and concerns.

5(j) The teacher understands how current interdisciplinary themes (e.g., civic literacy, 健康素养(全球意识)与核心科目有联系,知道如何编织 those themes into meaningful learning experiences.

5(k) The teacher understands the demands of accessing and managing information as well as how to evaluate issues of ethics and quality related to information and its use.

5(1)教师懂得如何有效地使用数字和互动技术 and effectively achieving specific learning goals.

5(m)教师理解批判性思维过程,知道如何帮助学习者 develop high-level questioning skills to promote their independent learning.

5(n)教师将交流方式和技巧理解为学习的工具 (e.g., information gathering and processing) across disciplines as well as vehicles for expressing learning.

5(o) The teacher understands creative thinking processes and how to engage learners in producing original work.

5(p) The teacher knows where and how to access resources to build global awareness and understanding, and how to integrate them into the curriculum.

Critical Dispositions

5(q)教师在不断探索如何以学科知识为视角 to address local and global issues.

5(r)教师重视本专业以外的知识,以及这些知识是如何获得的 enhances student learning.

教师重视灵活的学习环境,鼓励学习者探索; discovery, and expression across content areas.

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners 在自己的成长过程中,监控学习者的进步,并指导教师和学习者的进步 decision making.


6(a)教师适当地平衡使用形成性评估和总结性评估 to support, verify, and document learning.

6(b) The teacher designs assessments that match learning objectives with assessment methods and minimizes sources of bias that can distort assessment results.

6(c) The teacher works independently and collaboratively to examine test and other performance data to understand each learner’s progress and to guide planning.

6(d)教师使学习者理解和识别高质量的作业 为他们提供有效的描述性反馈,以指导他们朝着目标前进 work.

6(e) The teacher engages learners in multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and skill as part of the assessment process.

6(f) The teacher models and structures processes that guide learners in examining their own thinking and learning as well as the performance of others.

6(g) The teacher effectively uses multiple and appropriate types of assessment data 确定每个学生的学习需求,并发展不同的学习经验.

6(h)教师为所有学习者准备特定评估格式的要求 特别是在评估或测试条件方面做出适当的调整 for learners with disabilities and language learning needs.

6(i) The teacher continually seeks appropriate ways to employ technology to support 评估实践既能让学习者更充分地参与,也能评估和解决学习者的问题 needs.

Essential Knowledge

6(j)教师理解形成性应用和总结性应用的区别 of assessment and knows how and when to use each.

6(k)教师了解评估的种类和多种目的 以及如何设计、调整或选择适当的评估来处理特定的学习 goals and individual differences, and to minimize sources of bias.

6(1)教师知道如何分析评估数据,了解模式和差距 in learning, to guide planning and instruction, and to provide meaningful feedback to all learners.

6(m)教师知道何时以及如何让学习者参与分析他们自己的评估 results and in helping to set goals for their own learning.

6(n) The teacher understands the positive impact of effective descriptive feedback for learners and knows a variety of strategies for communicating this feedback.

6(o)教师知道何时以及如何评估和报告学习者的进步 standards.

6(p)教师知道如何让学生为评估做准备,以及如何做出评价 accommodations in assessments and testing conditions, especially for learners with disabilities and language learning needs.

Critical Dispositions

6(q)教师致力于让学习者积极参与评估过程 培养每个学习者回顾和交流自己的能力 progress and learning.

6(r) The teacher takes responsibility for aligning instruction and assessment with learning goals.

6(s)教师致力于提供及时有效的描述性反馈 to learners on their progress.

6(t)教师致力于使用多种类型的评估过程来支持; verify, and document learning.

6(u) The teacher is committed to making accommodations in assessments and testing conditions, especially for learners with disabilities and language learning needs.

6(v)教师致力于合乎道德地使用各种评估和评价 data to identify learner strengths and needs to promote learner growth.

教师计划教学,支持每一个学生满足严格的学习 通过借鉴知识内容领域,课程,跨学科技能, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.


7(a) The teacher individually and collaboratively selects and creates learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals and content standards, and are relevant to learners.

7(b) The teacher plans how to achieve each student’s learning goals, choosing appropriate strategies and accommodations, resources, and materials to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of learners.

7(c) The teacher develops appropriate sequencing of learning experiences and provides multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and skill.

7(d) The teacher plans for instruction based on formative and summative assessment data, prior learner knowledge, and learner interest.

7(e) The teacher plans collaboratively with professionals who have specialized expertise (e.g., special educators, related service providers, language learning specialists, librarians, media specialists) to design and jointly deliver as appropriate learning experiences to meet unique learning needs.

7(f) The teacher evaluates plans in relation to short- and long-range goals and systematically adjusts plans to meet each student’s learning needs and enhance learning.

Essential Knowledge

7(g) The teacher understands content and content standards and how these are organized in the curriculum.

7(h) The teacher understands how integrating cross-disciplinary skills in instruction engages learners purposefully in applying content knowledge.

7(i) The teacher understands learning theory, human development, cultural diversity, and individual differences and how these impact ongoing planning.

7(j) The teacher understands the strengths and needs of individual learners and how to plan instruction that is responsive to these strengths and needs.

7(k) The teacher knows a range of evidence-based instructional strategies, resources, and technological tools and how to use them effectively to plan instruction that meets diverse learning needs.

7(l) The teacher knows when and how to adjust plans based on assessment information and learner responses.

7(m) The teacher knows when and how to access resources and collaborate with others to support student learning (e.g., special educators, related service providers, language learner specialists, librarians, media specialists, community organizations).

Critical Dispositions

7(n) The teacher respects learners’ diverse strengths and needs and is committed to using this information to plan effective instruction.

7(o) The teacher values planning as a collegial activity that takes into consideration the input of learners, colleagues, families, and the larger community.

7(p) The teacher takes professional responsibility to use short- and long-term planning as a means of assuring student learning.

7(q) The teacher believes that plans must always be open to adjustment and revision based on learner needs and changing circumstances.

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.


8(a) The teacher uses appropriate strategies and resources to adapt instruction to the needs of individuals and groups of learners.

8(b) The teacher continuously monitors student learning, engages learners in assessing their progress, and adjusts instruction in response to student learning needs.

8(c) The teacher collaborates with learners to design and implement relevant learning experiences, identify their strengths, and access family and community resources to develop their areas of interest.

8(d) The teacher varies his/her role in the instructional process (e.g., instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to the content and purposes of instruction and the needs of learners.

8(e) The teacher provides multiple models and representations of concepts and skills with opportunities for learners to demonstrate their knowledge through a variety of products and performances.

8(f) The teacher engages all learners in developing higher order questioning skills and metacognitive processes.

8(g) The teacher engages learners in using a range of learning skills and technology tools to access, interpret, evaluate, and apply information.

8(h) The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand learners’ communication through speaking, listening, reading, writing, and other modes.

8(i) The teacher asks questions to stimulate discussion that serves different purposes (e.g., probing for learner understanding, helping learners articulate their ideas and thinking processes, stimulating curiosity, and helping learners to question).

Essential Knowledge

8(j) The teacher understands the cognitive processes associated with various kinds of learning (e.g., critical and creative thinking, problem-framing and problem-solving, invention, memorization, and recall) and how these processes can be stimulated.

8(k) The teacher knows how to apply a range of developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate instructional strategies to achieve learning goals.

8(l) The teacher knows when and how to use appropriate strategies to differentiate instruction and engage all learners in complex thinking and meaningful tasks.

8(m) The teacher understands how multiple forms of communication (oral, written, nonverbal, digital, visual) convey ideas, foster self-expression, and build relationships.

8(n) The teacher knows how to use a wide variety of resources, including human and technological, to engage students in learning.

8(o) The teacher understands how content and skill development can be supported by media and technology and knows how to evaluate these resources for quality, accuracy, and effectiveness.

Critical Dispositions

8(p) The teacher is committed to deepening awareness and understanding the strengths and needs of diverse learners when planning and adjusting instruction.

8(q) The teacher values the variety of ways people communicate and encourages learners to develop and use multiple forms of communication.

8(r) The teacher is committed to exploring how the use of new and emerging technologies can support and promote student learning.

8(s) The teacher values flexibility and reciprocity in the teaching process as necessary for adapting instruction to learner responses, ideas, and needs.

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.


9(a) The teacher engages in ongoing learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and learning experiences based on local and state standards.

9(b) The teacher engages in meaningful and appropriate professional learning experiences aligned with his/her own needs and the needs of the learners, school, and system.

9(c) Independently and in collaboration with colleagues, the teacher uses a variety of data (e.g., systematic observation, information about learners, research) to evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning and to adapt planning and practice.

9(d) The teacher actively seeks professional, community, and technological resources, within and outside the school, as supports for analysis, reflection, and problem-solving.

9(e) The teacher reflects on his/her personal biases and accesses resources to deepen his/her own understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences to build stronger relationships and create more relevant learning experiences.

9(f) The teacher advocates, models, and teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of information and technology including appropriate documentation of sources and respect for others in the use of social media.

Essential Knowledge

9(g) The teacher understands and knows how to use a variety of self-assessment and problem-solving strategies to analyze and reflect on his/her practice and to plan for adaptations/adjustments.

9(h) The teacher knows how to use learner data to analyze practice and differentiate instruction accordingly.

9(i) The teacher understands how personal identity, worldview, and prior experience affect perceptions and expectations, and recognizes how they may bias behaviors and interactions with others.

9(j) The teacher understands laws related to learners’ rights and teacher responsibilities (e.g., for educational equity, appropriate education for learners with disabilities, confidentiality, privacy, appropriate treatment of learners, reporting in situations related to possible child abuse).

9(k) The teacher knows how to build and implement a plan for professional growth directly aligned with his/her needs as a growing professional using feedback from teacher evaluations and observations, data on learner performance, and school- and system-wide priorities.

Critical Dispositions

9(l) The teacher takes responsibility for student learning and uses ongoing analysis and reflection to improve planning and practice.

9(m) The teacher is committed to deepening understanding of his/her own frames of reference (e.g., culture, gender, language, abilities, ways of knowing), the potential biases in these frames, and their impact on expectations for and relationships with learners and their families.

9(n) The teacher sees him/herself as a learner, continuously seeking opportunities to draw upon current education policy and research as sources of analysis and reflection to improve practice.

9(o) The teacher understands the expectations of the profession including codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy.

教师寻求适当的领导角色和承担责任的机会 for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.


10(a) The teacher takes an active role on the instructional team, giving and receiving feedback on practice, examining learner work, analyzing data from multiple sources, and sharing responsibility for decision-making and accountability for each student’s learning.

10(b) The teacher works with other school professionals to plan and jointly facilitate learning on how to meet diverse needs of learners.

10(c) The teacher engages collaboratively in the schoolwide effort to build a shared vision and supportive culture, identify common goals, and monitor and evaluate progress toward those goals.

10(d) The teacher works collaboratively with learners and their families to establish mutual expectations and ongoing communication to support learner development and achievement.

10(e) Working with school colleagues, the teacher builds ongoing connections with community resources to enhance student learning and well-being.

10(f) The teacher engages in professional learning, contributes to the knowledge and skill of others, and works collaboratively to advance professional practice.

10(g) The teacher uses technological tools and a variety of communication strategies to build local and global learning communities that engage learners, families, and colleagues.

10(h) The teacher uses and generates meaningful research on education issues and policies.

10(i) The teacher seeks appropriate opportunities to model effective practice for colleagues, to lead professional learning activities, and to serve in other leadership roles.

10(j) The teacher advocates to meet the needs of learners, to strengthen the learning environment, and to enact system change.

10(k) The teacher takes on leadership roles at the school, district, state, and/or national level and advocates for learners, the school, the community, and the profession.

Essential Knowledge

10(l) The teacher understands schools as organizations within a historical, cultural, political, and social context and knows how to work with others across the system to support learners.

10(m) The teacher understands that alignment of family, school, and community spheres of influence enhances student learning and that discontinuity in these spheres of influence interferes with learning.

10(n) The teacher knows how to work with other adults and has developed skills in collaborative interaction appropriate for both face-to-face and virtual contexts.

10(o) The teacher knows how to contribute to a common culture that supports high expectations for student learning.

Critical Dispositions

10(p) The teacher actively shares responsibility for shaping and supporting the mission of his/her school as one of advocacy for learners and accountability for their success.

10(q) The teacher respects families’ beliefs, norms, and expectations and seeks to work collaboratively with learners and families in setting and meeting challenging goals.

10(r) The teacher takes initiative to grow and develop with colleagues through interactions that enhance practice and support student learning.

10(s) The teacher takes responsibility for contributing to and advancing the profession.

10(t) The teacher embraces the challenge of continuous improvement and change.